Friday, February 26, 2010

Scatting queen.

So. Basically, the reason that this blog is so unhappenin' is that I put all my photos on the "slow" computer, the one that we use solely to house pics and iTunes, but I do all my web surfing on the "fast" (comparatively speaking) computer. Therefore, I'm rarely on the photo-equipped computer to do any posts. That's why you're getting this words-only one today, just for the purpose of telling you that we are still here and still boring.

One non-boring thing coming up is that we have a trip planned to Disney World in May (yay!). Accordingly, I announced a weekly "Disney Movie Night" from now until then so that we will know what we are seeing when we're there (besides the princesses, of course -- we're all stocked up on that knowledge). The girls and I went to the library to borrow a couple of Disney movies and walked out with 101 Dalmatians and Aladdin, plus a children's book about Ella Fitzgerald that I thought looked interesting. Side note: I think I'll take a stroller next time to keep Julia corralled -- that girl can run pretty quickly for a one-year-old, and one of her favorite activities is pulling books off shelves. Need I say more?

Well, the inaugural Disney Movie Night didn't happen because of Dad's calling dibs on the TV to watch bobsledding. We did read the Ella Fitzgerald book, though, and I found a song on my iPod by Jane Monheit that had some scatting in it so that I could let Caroline hear what scat sounds like. Then we practiced our scatting, which was interesting. Ella was called "Queen of Scat" and Caroline informed me that she wants to be a queen too, but Queen of God. Hm. I asked her why, and she replied, "Because I want to cook for Jesus."

I didn't really know where to go with that, so I just told her that Jesus was probably set for food and what he really wanted was just to be her friend and for her to make him happy by doing things like being kind to others. I could tell she wasn't too sold on that, she still wants to make dinner for Jesus.

I'm on the faster computer, so you get no pictures tonight.

Not only does this Blog focus on me... It's run by me!

Not only does this Blog focus on me...  It's run by me!