Thursday, July 2, 2009

Julia - 6 months (a month and a half ago, I know)

So I saw this done on other people's blogs and I wanted to try it for Julia too -- taking a picture of her each month to show how she grows throughout her first year. I got on the bandwagon too late, however, and I missed the first half of the year. So I just started at six months and here she is back in May, six months old:

May was the month when things started to pick up for JuJu. She finally started to stay sitting up by herself once placed in a sitting position (albeit like a frog or a tripod, leaning on her hands between her legs for support) at 6 months 1 week. A few days later she started rocking back and forth on all fours, along with lots of squealing and drooling! I introduced fruits this month, but she doesn't want any part of that. I remember that Caroline liked the vegs better too. JuJu was getting pretty long for the baby tub, so she got to graduate to the big bathtub:

She also started grabbing everything in sight. Sometimes I sit her on the counter in her Bumbo as I get ready in the mornings if she gets too fussy on the floor, and she immediately starts knocking down everything on the countertop. Sit her at the table, and she's going for your plate, cup, food -- whatever she can get her little hands on. That's how we got this picture:

What a good little helper already!

Caroline had a full month too with her dance recital and the end of gymnastics, preschool choir, and Mission Friends for the year. We went to the lake with our young adult Sunday school department, and Caroline got rides on a boat AND a Sea Doo! Julia put her swimsuit on too and took a dip for the first time in her little life. And that was our May!

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Not only does this Blog focus on me... It's run by me!

Not only does this Blog focus on me...  It's run by me!