Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Dad's Wedding/Vacation Diaries.

Well... We're still the Borings.

Just kidding! Ol' Clarissa decided to sleep in while Caroline and I went to the pool. Of course as soon as we got to the pool the "Back Room" edict came from Miss Caroline... So back to the room we went to catch/wake up Mommy!

The day after the Wedding we visited the East Battery (I could be wrong on name, but it's a battery nonetheless). This where the first shots of the Civil War were fired. Pretty cool to be near these cannons and look out at Fort Sumter... AND it was an excellent place for Caroline to chase pigeons!

As well as learn the role of a Civil War Artillery officer...

Obviously... She couldn't grasp the concept of the safest position to be in relation to the cannon. Or that the Confederate Army didn't use "Sic 'Em Bears" as part of Artillery communication... But as you can see, Caroline believes they should have!

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Not only does this Blog focus on me...  It's run by me!