Sunday, July 12, 2009

What was I thinking?

I'm going to have to go off the grid for a bit while I make twelve tutus for Caroline's birthday party. I thought it would take about 30 minutes each -- HAHAHAHAHA! More like 3 hours each. So you know what I'll be doing in all my spare time the next 13 days. This would be what you might call "biting off more than I can chew."


Heather said...

Yikes!!! Let me know how it goes though so I'll know for future reference! :)

Kristin said...

Wow!!! That is so "mom of the year" of you!!! I am impressed.

Sorry that Julia's teeth are bugging her! I am worried that we have just tested the waters so far and it could get worse!

Not only does this Blog focus on me... It's run by me!

Not only does this Blog focus on me...  It's run by me!