Sunday, January 10, 2010

Train up a child . . .

So it should come as no surprise if you know me at all that I'm a worrier. I always worry that I'm not doing good enough at whatever it is I'm doing -- school, work, social life, it's been that way forever. Lately, Caroline never wants to pray at bedtime so of course I worry that it's because of something wrong I've done. But I pray anyway in an attempt to model behavior for her, and tonight she broke in three times to say her own stuff, so maybe she wants to pray after all :)

First, it's short and sweet: "Dear God. Amen."

Later, it's some instructions: "God, please help Julia to stop screaming so much and stop throwing her food on the floor." I added a silent "SECOND" to that one in my head.

Finally, it's just sharing & being real, which I love: "Hey God, guess what? I learned to color in the lines today and used some pretty colors! Amen."

So, maybe she actually is learning the way she should go. God please bless our fumbling efforts to parent these girls . . . and please help me to worry less!


Alyssa said...

I have no doubt that she picks up more than you'll ever dream and that she'll use it exactly when she wants to. I love how you captured her growing prayer life.

Ruth said...

So sweet! She is such a dear. I hope she has a great time Wednesday.

Theresa said...

We have lots of trouble with prayers at our house. They are constantly moving around, summer-saulting on their beds, playing with their toes, - anything but concentrating on the prayer. I'm trying to keep it short these days with just the "Now I lay me down to sleep . . ." but then I end up with questions about "what's a soul?" and "am I gonna die?" Who knew it would be so challenging?

Not only does this Blog focus on me... It's run by me!

Not only does this Blog focus on me...  It's run by me!