Dodger, the Cats' mascot, was a big hit with Caroline. She sat on her dad's shoulders and yelled and clapped for him. Dodger acknowledged her by throwing her this T-shirt and Jason caught it one-handed! He was pretty proud of himself. I have to agree it was a pretty good snag.
The Cats game was a perfect first outing like this for Caroline because there were lots of things going on for her to do. She doesn't sit still for very long, so with meeting Larry and Bob, jumping in the bounce house, eating Kincaid's hamburgers, stalking Dodger around the stadium, playing in the sandbox, and coloring in the coloring book provided by the folks in the KCBI radio station booth, there was plenty going on to keep her busy. It was a great first baseball game for Caroline!
She's a doll, Clarissa. And she looks just like you! Do I get to meet her at Homecoming?
P.S. I just noticed Caroline's kicking Bob the Tomato. Ha!
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